Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teenage Social Networking Pros and Cons

Social Networking

So parents often complain how teenagers do nothing around the house due to social networking. Well truth be told teenagers just do not do stuff around the house because they are too lazy. I feel sure that if a teenager wanted to actually do something like folding clothes or washing dishes, they could well manage staying on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social networking and complete the activity after all they manage texting and driving, social networking and driving, reading a book and driving, and I am in NO WAY encouraging this but honestly pull up beside a teenager at a red light and where are they looking at? Their looking down at their phones, not hunched over the steering wheel staring at the red-light like grandma.

Since I am a teenager I also want to say social networking is very important to me. I once broke my iPhone and the whole time it took me to get to the mall and in the apple app store to get it renewed, which was in all about 45 minutes, I thought I was going to die because I couldn't read my friends updates to make sure their alive, and I couldn't post to let them know what I was doing or thinking at that specific moment. That's like starving to death from a teenage point of view. But all that being said there are times when I generally do the necessary like homework or essays and still complete task. Or sometimes I will have the computer screen on twitter and my phone on Instagram or vice versa.

Twitter and Instagram. I have both accounts and too tell you the truth their amazing. Myspace was murdered by Facebook and Facebook was murdered by both Instagram and Twitter. Instagram is just simply amazing until of course you follow the one person who takes 15 pictures of themselves in the same outfit and the same pose and then post every single last one of them. And don't forget the people who edit their pictures to look completely different. That's just crazy. Twitter is simply amazing because well you can just post whatever you like and never be flagged they can simply "unfollow" you if they don't like what you post. This being said you can take pictures and send your thoughts but still be able to do other things I have done the dishes and this before but only because my mother threatened to grown me.
Social networking is fun and it is time consuming but I do not think that is the reason for kids not doing chores around the house. I believe and yes I am a teenager but I do believe we do not complete things because we are too lazy, we use the excuses “I have to work all the time, I just want to relax,” or “I will do it in a few,” then never doing it. But there are tips for parents who are concerned with their children’s social networking addictions and here is a beautiful link to help parents.