Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday Sells and Tips

As Thanksgiving approaches so does Black Friday. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving where everyone goes shopping to get great sells. Sells start as early as Thursday night around 8 p.m. and go on to Friday morning at intervals of midnight, 2:30 in the morning, and also 5 in the morning and continue all day Friday.
Black Friday shopping has really developed in American culture. I think that many Americans find this time the best to shop for Christmas gifts. There are several sells that go on at popular places such as Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Dick’s Sporting Goods and also your local mall. But who has the best prices? One effect way is the use of the internet. Many businesses upload there Black Friday specials on to their website such as Wal-Mart. Check these specials out then compare them to other specials from other companies.
Black Friday shopping may be difficult for some and these are some tips; it may get dangerous so a suggestion for the first timers be early get in the front of the life and bring family. If you need more than one item have a family member wait in the opposite line while you wait in another, and another family member waits in the check-out line. Also be preparing, if you go to Wal-Mart there will be grocery shopping during this event. Another tip if you go from one place to another take the items you got from the first place home, there will be thieves out on this night, and it would suck to be a victim. Also don’t get beat up over a good sell. Some people go absolutely crazy and start fighting, if this happens remember me because I will be laughing at you from my couch while you are on the news.
This is a great experience if you have never been. I encourage everyone to go at least once in their lives, you may turn out to love it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Zombies Really Exist

Zombies Really Exist

When you think ‘zombies’ automatically you picture slow walking, drooling, dead corpse, usually an effect of a disease. This image is given off to you from shows such as “The Walking Dead,” or movies similar to “Zombieland,” or the countless other movies that are about zombies such as the more popularly known “I Am Legend,” starring Will Smith. I believe it is safe to say Americans are obsessed with zombies, including myself.

So do they exist? I am going to get straight to the point. Yes and no. Yes the side effects of slow walking, drooling, and not talking properly, but no you will not bite people and attack them like in the shows and movies.

A prion may in fact be the cause of you becoming a zombie. Prions will affect your brain and give you side effects of poor brain function and brain loss, jerking of limbs, and behavioral or sleeping disturbances. Basically it attacks your brain and you lose self-control.There is a video from Sci Show that explains this video and it is liked here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MLA Formatting in Sentences

MLA Formatting in Sentences
Sometimes teachers seem to talk a little foreign when it comes to explaining how to cite your sources. For the longest time every year I could not stand when the words “research paper” came out of my teacher’s mouth because I knew that meant citing your sources. I had never been fully and properly exposed to MLA formatting but luckily for all you guys reading I have the key from success to future success, I have the key important information you need to know.
First, MLA formatting changes every year. You need to make sure that you have all the updated information necessary for your research paper before you begin your research. If you begin your research and you don’t know how to cite your sources, then you’re not going to be able to cite your sources as you work and them trying to find those sources later WILL NOT WORK. Trust me, I once wrote down information and moved on to find the next set of information I needed because I thought I could come back and cite my sources correctly when I figured out how well like I said it does NOT work.
Second, Ms. Yon’s website has a detailed as well as easy to understand power point for those of you who do not know what MLA is and also for my readers who don’t know how to properly use it you will find information for you in that power point as well. Check it out.
Third, once you have viewed the power point, try checking out OWL at Purdue. This website not only will give you information but also show you how to cite your sources. Websites such as citiationmachine.com and bibme.com are not always beneficial. As I said MLA updates every year (they have to make money some way, huh?), and therefore, those websites may still be programmed for the year before and will not give you the correct citation.
Key points regarding your Works Cited page include the following: ALWAYS use hanging indent, ALWAYS use double space, ALWAYS put in alphabetical order from A-Z regardless if it is a book, website, etc. Remember to center “Works Cited” at the top of your page your format will be okay.
End Line Citations
Citations in the end of the line are just as important as the Works Cited page. Remember when quoting you should have the following parenthesis, last name, page number, parenthesis, and period. “WOAH! Slow down. What happened? I am confused”. Alright well here is an example (Sather23). See that was not too complicated after all. One last thing, the ONLY time a period will be before the parenthesis is if the citation follows a block quote for example:
                Sally went to the market to buy shrimp,
                but instead she bought crab and lobster to
                make for dinner. (Sather 11)

Be sure to talk to your teacher because sometimes some information in MLA may be at the teacher’s discretion and you will need to know how they want the information. The website provided above will help answer any other question you have so I STRONGLY recommend it to anyone.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teenage Social Networking Pros and Cons

Social Networking

So parents often complain how teenagers do nothing around the house due to social networking. Well truth be told teenagers just do not do stuff around the house because they are too lazy. I feel sure that if a teenager wanted to actually do something like folding clothes or washing dishes, they could well manage staying on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social networking and complete the activity after all they manage texting and driving, social networking and driving, reading a book and driving, and I am in NO WAY encouraging this but honestly pull up beside a teenager at a red light and where are they looking at? Their looking down at their phones, not hunched over the steering wheel staring at the red-light like grandma.

Since I am a teenager I also want to say social networking is very important to me. I once broke my iPhone and the whole time it took me to get to the mall and in the apple app store to get it renewed, which was in all about 45 minutes, I thought I was going to die because I couldn't read my friends updates to make sure their alive, and I couldn't post to let them know what I was doing or thinking at that specific moment. That's like starving to death from a teenage point of view. But all that being said there are times when I generally do the necessary like homework or essays and still complete task. Or sometimes I will have the computer screen on twitter and my phone on Instagram or vice versa.

Twitter and Instagram. I have both accounts and too tell you the truth their amazing. Myspace was murdered by Facebook and Facebook was murdered by both Instagram and Twitter. Instagram is just simply amazing until of course you follow the one person who takes 15 pictures of themselves in the same outfit and the same pose and then post every single last one of them. And don't forget the people who edit their pictures to look completely different. That's just crazy. Twitter is simply amazing because well you can just post whatever you like and never be flagged they can simply "unfollow" you if they don't like what you post. This being said you can take pictures and send your thoughts but still be able to do other things I have done the dishes and this before but only because my mother threatened to grown me.
Social networking is fun and it is time consuming but I do not think that is the reason for kids not doing chores around the house. I believe and yes I am a teenager but I do believe we do not complete things because we are too lazy, we use the excuses “I have to work all the time, I just want to relax,” or “I will do it in a few,” then never doing it. But there are tips for parents who are concerned with their children’s social networking addictions and here is a beautiful link to help parents.